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Unleash Your Business Potential
July 23-27, 2024
San Diego

Unleash your unstoppable profits and generational wealth through our life changing *Metamorphosis*

Mastering social media strategies, camera ready glamour, and an all abundant mindset to confidently skyrocket your income!

You will receive teaching from all different experts that will be guiding you through manifestation, humor, captivating content, mental wellness, glamour, vibration and frequency, sound baths, intuition, an empowered mindset and more!

 All these working parts will help advance you’re already successful business!

 Workshops :

  • Professional photo shoot

  • Social media content strategy

  • Glamour how-to

  • Professional stylists and glamour team

  • Sound vibration and how it catapults business

  • Mindset coaching

  • Confidence inside and out

  • Growing your audience

  • Manifesting your success

  • Social media content strategy & personal branding

  • Business coaching from top experts

  • Personal makeover

  • Luxury shopping experience

The Opportunity

Are you a small business owner?

Do you aspire to build a legacy that transcends generations?

Our exclusive retreat offers a transformative experience tailored to your needs:

  • Revitalize Your Mindset: Gain clarity, focus, and renewed motivation through immersive mindfulness practices and expert coaching sessions.

  • Optimize Your Operations: Streamline your processes, delegate effectively, and implement productivity strategies to maximize your time and energy.

  • Master Work-Life Integration: Discover practical tools and techniques to harmonize your business demands with your personal aspirations, fostering a fulfilling life.

  • Develop a Generational Wealth Blueprint: Craft a comprehensive plan to scale your business, cultivate a strong succession strategy, and build a lasting legacy.

Surrounded by a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs, you'll emerge from this retreat with a renewed vigor, a customized action plan, and the confidence to propel your business towards sustainable success and generational wealth. 

Retreat Highlights

 Here are some key values of entrepreneurs investing in yourself and your business:

  1. Personal Development: By investing in their personal growth, entrepreneurs can develop essential skills, mindsets, and habits that will help them navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with greater resilience, focus, and effectiveness.

  2. Continuous Learning: The business landscape is constantly evolving, and entrepreneurs who invest in continuous learning stay ahead of industry trends, embrace new technologies, and adapt to changing market dynamics.

  3. Strategic Decision-Making: Investing in themselves equips entrepreneurs with the knowledge, insights, and critical thinking skills necessary to make informed, strategic decisions that drive growth and mitigate risks.

  4. Leadership Development: As their businesses grow, entrepreneurs must develop strong leadership abilities to inspire and guide their teams, foster a positive company culture, and make effective decisions that align with their vision.

  5. Networking and Mentorship: Investing in personal and professional development often provides access to valuable networks, mentors, and industry experts who can offer guidance, support, and invaluable connections.

  6. Work-Life Balance: By investing in themselves, entrepreneurs can learn strategies and techniques to better manage their time, prioritize tasks, and achieve a healthier work-life balance, which can improve overall well-being and sustainability.

  7. Building a Legacy: Entrepreneurs who invest in themselves are more likely to develop long-term vision, succession planning skills, and the ability to create a lasting impact and generational wealth.


Investment & Bonuses

$8,000 for 5 day Metamorphosis: pay in full *2 payments *4 payments ((must be paid in full no later than Friday, July 12th *NO REFUNDS

All inclusive! Stay, meals, services, etc. YOU JUST HAVE TO GET THERE!

$7,500 early bird coupon code (paid in full)

$7,000 coupon code only valid for the night of the networking event on May 16th! (paid in full)

VIP ADD-ON: LIMITED SPACE, first come first serve! $1,500

During the retreat as a VIP, you’ll receive:

  • 20 free raffle tickets towards our “total package” prize the last day!

  • A private hour 1:1 session with our Psychotherapist, Nicole.

  • A private hour 1:1 session with Intuitive Business Coach, Danielle Anatra

  • A private 45 minute gong bath session with Faye Henry

  • A private hour 1:1 session with Manifestation Coach Priyanka

Meet our Transformational Coaches

Danielle Anatra

Viewing life's challenges as "disguised blessings," I embrace growth and self-discovery. As a medium, mentor, and intuitive business coach, my awakened gifts have unlocked extraordinary opportunities. Overcoming anxiety, spirituality empowered me to exceed expectations and find purpose in empowering others. Witnessing individuals trapped by perceived limitations inspired my coaching journey. My mission: show that the impossible is achievable. You can create the life you desire, pursuing your passion while maintaining balance. Each day, I'm grateful to strengthen my abilities, share my gift, and help unlock others' potential

Breanna Miller

Breanna is a serial entrepreneur and visionary thought leader with over two decades of invaluable experience in the beauty and fashion industries. Her journey began as a State Board Cosmetology instructor, where she imparted her expertise to aspiring professionals for three and a half years. Breanna's passion for education extended further as she became an educator for multiple advanced educational programs. Currently, Breanna is pioneering a groundbreaking curriculum at the University of California, San Diego, where she will teach a class on sustainable practices within the Beauty Industry, a testament to her commitment to environmental responsibility and innovation. Her impressive portfolio includes serving as the assistant manager of the prestigious McClellan AFB Salon, managing and expanding multiple start-up companies, and achieving the remarkable feat of winning the 1st place at a Sotheby's competition in Manhattan, in conjunction with The Art Renewal Center. Breanna's dedication to the fashion world is evident through her role as the Lead of the Fashion Week San Diego Makeup Artistry Team, where she showcases her exceptional talent and vision. Alongside her many accomplishments, Breanna is the proud owner of three successful businesses, a testament to her entrepreneurial spirit and unwavering determination.

Dr. Nicole Dolan

Dr. Nicole Dolan is a holistic psychologist practicing on the Central Coast of California. Nicole holds a PhD in Depth Psychology and a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology. She currently runs three office locations, provides clinical supervision, and is authoring her first book. Nicole is also the founder and director of Sacred Path – a holistic non-profit for counseling and wellness. As a clinical practitioner, my background and work is holistic in that I work with and integrate mind, body, and soul. I follow a medical model when necessary and yet, once we get to the heart of the matter, the question becomes: What does the Soul want? I am passionate about the work of discovering the Self. I believe that trauma is often our greatest catalyst for transformation. I see meaning in every aspect of life and I value all relationships as vehicles for spiritual growth.

Angela LaRosa

As an Occupational Therapist, for the last 26+ years I have treated children with various diagnosis (Autism, ADD, CP, developmental delay, etc). I am grateful every single day to do what I do. To me there is no greater gift than to help a child be their personal best. It has been my honor to assist parents on their journey into a better understanding of who their child is and how to help them.

While on this journey, I had my own spiritual journey as well. I became a Eucharistic Minister and assisted in the Sacrament of Baptism. I was also keenly aware that I “sensed “things, “heard” things and “felt” things. I told my mom and she didn’t blink an eye. She said, “It’s spirit”. It always amazed me how my mom was fully supportive of this. She then told me of an Aunt “Tia” who had gifts. People from all over came to her for healing. She said “Angie Tia prayed over you. You have gifts.”

My gifts stayed at bay until shortly after 911. We lost my cousin, Captain Vincent Giammona. I put together a small group reading where Kim Russo did an AMAZING reading. She turned to me and said” you need to see Pat Longo here’s her number”. I entered Pat’s class. Immediately, I started automatic writing. I then began to see videos. Spirit would take me to a location, and it was as if I were watching a movie. I could “see” the moment spirit wanted me to talk about. Then I had a “knowing”. Spirit would just place the message in my head.

While I am a psychic medium, I am also a spiritual healer, a certified Reiki practitioner and Cranial Sacral Therapist. It is my gift and my honor to be the vessel to receive and deliver messages from God and all that is good for the highest and greatest good, to guide those on their emotional and physical healing journey. To bring peace to each individual and spread beautiful light and love through my gifts and for this I am eternally grateful.

Kristen Tinsley

I am a psychic medium who has been guided by a spiritual calling to assist people in finding healing after the loss of a loved one by conveying messages that aid in coping with grief and gaining clarity on their life journey. I have had the ability to communicate with Spirits since I was young. Through my mediumship work, I evolved into a transformative spiritual life coach, aiming to equip my clients with the necessary tools to manifest their desired life. By studying holistic nutrition and moonology, I amalgamated all my expertise to establish NU Moon Transformational Life Coaching. I teach people how to live a weightless life. I coach them to remove negative thinking, fear blocks, and rewrite their story to one that reflects their true spirit. The holistic side helps with diet and the moon helps with manifesting. My calling to be a medium has been unique in the way my gift has developed. I published a journal titled, “Messages from Spirit: A Psychic Medium’s Journal.” I wanted to help other mediums grow their business by using the journal as a spirit contact form that allows them to document all the messages and signs they were getting from spirit before a reading. I have been performing as a standup comic and comedy show producer for seven years! I love to make people laugh. Laughter raises the vibrational energies in the room! I wanted to find a way to combine my two loves, comedy and psychic medium readings. Ghosts and Giggles was created to honor my passions. Ghosts and Giggles is a comedy show about what it is like to be a psychic and allows me to demonstrate my gift when I read for the audience after my set. Laughter is the best medicine and I aim to hit as many stages as possible to make people laugh, and experience the healing power of messages  from Spirit.

Faye Henry

Faye presents an in depth explanation of how sound affects healing in the physical body and reduces stress, followed by a Sonic Massage with Gongs.

Playing gongs or a recording of gongs may help reduce stress and heightened focus that helps create a great working environment.  Learn how gongs help focus the brain to bringing focus, balance, and harmony into any situation.

Unlike many things that are relaxing, the gongs bring both relaxation and focus to the brain, making them the perfect music for a work place. A great thing to listen to when you need to concentrate and focus, while leaving the tension behind.

 Faye is often labeled a cosmic musician. She plays gongs to create a cosmic song that joyfully vibrates each cell in your body. It feels like a sonic massage. She has studied the effect of sound upon the human body with Dr. Valerie Hunt, Jonathan Goldman, Tom Kenyon, and John Stuart Reid.

Tiana Lee

I am an experienced Marketing/Social Media manager with over 8 years of experience. I collaborate with companies that specialize in Lifestyle/Beauty niches. I have gained knowledge and experience from all of my endeavors and I'm open to all job opportunities pertaining to Digital Marketing/Social Media.

Jordan Lux

Jordan Lux is a digital marketer with over a decade of experience in crafting innovative campaigns that resonate with audiences.

As the founder of her thriving digital consulting firm, she brings a fresh and adaptable approach, tailoring strategies to the unique needs of each client's business.

With a strong background in the tech industry, including a notable stint at the renowned Glassdoor, Jordan has honed her expertise in the ever-evolving landscape of organic social media marketing.

As an influencer herself, boasting a dynamic presence on platforms like YouTube and TikTok, she understands the art of capturing attention and building a loyal following.

Jordan's true mastery lies in her ability to help clients cultivate a dedicated audience through authentic and engaging content.

Her strategic guidance empowers businesses to establish a strong online presence, fostering meaningful connections with their target markets and driving sustainable growth.

With a keen eye for emerging trends and a passion for innovation, Jordan Lux is the digital marketing maven poised to elevate brands to new heights, one captivating campaign at a time.